Wednesday, July 31, 2013


          Well, I've been working on the ninja on my Galaxy note 10.1. The other day the damned thing crashed on me. Sketchbook for android was able to save an emergency copy of the drawing but a whole layer was destroyed when it saved the image. So the face layer has completely vanished from the drawing. I tried to import an older version of the drawing but it will only import them at half the size of the actual drawing. So there is no easy way to save the face unless I want to start back where I was hours ago. I normally would save constantly because this is far from the first time this has happened to me but sketchbook doesn't allow one to easily save a piece and keep working on it. I'll be replacing the galaxy note 10.1 with a Surface pro. I know the timing is wrong to upgrade tablets but I can't wait any longer. I am tired of having to use work-arounds to try and get drawings done on the tablet. I'd love to buy a Cintiq 24HD from wacom but I am in fact not that rich. Maybe someday if I can get any of my drawings to sell or make money in some way.

Here you can see that all the layers are intact. This was right before I was starting to re-detail the shoes.

...and this was after the crash and after I reloaded everything back up with the emergency copy of the picture. As you can see the face layer is missing completely.                  What happened...?

So I've decided that I am going to scrounge up all my monies and get a Windows tablet. A full Windows tablet not one of those lame windows RT tablets of course. I have settled with the Surface Pro. It's compact enough that my current style of tablet drawing should be able to go on unimpeded. The biggest bonus here is that I can use Photoshop to draw on the tablet. The biggest downside here is, battery life will be way less than what the galaxy note was getting me. We're talking 4 hours for the Surface pro vs 9-10 for the Galaxy note 10.1. That may be a huge hit to battery life but the way that I am looking at it is I am always at home when I draw for the most part. I rarely draw in public on my tablet for more than a couple hours.

So onward to the next phase of my tablet drawing career. Or hobby or what ever it is.

I'll leave you with this picture of where I am at without the UI in the way.

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