Thursday, March 21, 2013

On going work...

Got some more work done on the Elizabeth drawing in the last couple days. Next I've got to detail her hands then do drop shadows.

my thoughts (birthday shopping)

Well yesterday I went on a spiritual journey (to best buy) and took some time to consider getting the surface pro for drawing. The display model they had was not working. I tried to play around with the surface RT. For those that don't know what the surface RT is think surface Pro > Surface RT where as OSX > IOS. The RT model is like the low power version of windows. Windows 8 RT is meant to run on ARM processors, on the other hand Windows 8 pro is meant for your standard x86 type of processor.
The surface pro did eventually start up but I had no access to the pen nor did I have an app that was pressure sensitive to try out the pen. Eventually I had the bright idea of using the pen from my Galaxy Note Phone. The pen worked on the surface but all I had to try it out with was MS Paint.
Going back and forth through the store I finally decided that I was gonna go with a gaming laptop instead. Something with some real power. In the future I can use Photoshop and a wacom tablet to draw. Also I still have my Galaxy Note 10.1, a device that I am still quite fond of. Ill get more miles out of my galaxy note while being able to game and handle high end apps on my new laptop.