Well I decided that I feel like now that Bioshock Infinite came out I have a better understanding of what Elizabeth actually looks like. The last two Bioshock pictures I made were kind of a stab in the dark. I wasn't really sure what Elizabeth looked like and how her costume was put together. I've also noticed how much she leans up against stuff in game.
This Piece also is my attempt at a new drawing style. I'm trying to get myself to rely less and less on lines. I want to get myself to treat this one like an acrylic painting and not like a pencil sketch. Which for me is pretty hard to do. Once again this is all on my Galaxy Note 10.1. Wish I had a full windows tablet to draw on...
Another thing to note about using the Galaxy Note 10.1. Its not a full on computer so it has its limits when drawing at high resolution. This image is restricted to only having 3 layers total. Three layers is just not very much. Granted, its more layers then you would get with a normal drawing or painting (which is just one layer)