Yay, the weekend is over.. Not something that you will hear all that often. By day I make sandwiches for a living at a half deli half fast food joint. Its tiring and stressful but now I'm through the busy days, so until Friday I should have easier days. Today is Monday, which normally means the start of another week in sandwich paradise but this Monday is Presidents Day which means the weekend nonsense continues. Its hard to find time to create a lot of art. I work just over 40 hours a week making subs. It gets in the way of what I really wanna do, drawing of course. At this point, its all about finding a way to turn my art into some kind of profit so that I can work less hours and be able to spend all the time I want on drawing. Currently I am going off my bright idea of starting an art blog (complete) and then setting up ad-space (incomplete) in an attempt to make some money and begin the transfer of income from sub money to art money, ... so here goes..