Saturday, April 13, 2013

Future Selling point

Alright another one bites the dust. She's a little rough around the edges but I think it was a good practice run. All this was done on the galaxy note 10.1 with sketchbook pro.

unfinished work

          Here's another piece that started out as a commission piece but soon turned into a lost cause. I think I will focus on this one and finish it the same way I finished the artblade tree (very slowly). The section that is shaded has a face hidden in it. See if you can find it.

This drawing was done using good old graphite and printer paper. Same as most of my sketches. Check back to see my progress.

 Would you buy a shirt or a phone case with the completed design on it? Please comment and let me know. I NEED WORK... art work that is ;) check out my shop